
Showing posts from October, 2022

[住民票] How to get the Certificate of residence in Japan?

It's very simple. You can go to the 区役所(City Office) or 出張所(Branch Office). But I want to remind you that the things branch offices can do are limited. 「出張所」でできること  戸籍 住民票 印鑑登録 埋葬許可  国保 国民年金の資格取得・喪失 税の証明、納付 ・ 原付等の標識公布 廃車 名義変更  さくらカード返還のみ  介護保険証返還・住所変更等  保護変更申請  子ども手当住所氏名変更  ひまわりカード回収のみ  市民協働に関すること      など 「総合出張所」では、(出張所業務に加えて)  国民健康保険の保険証再発行・減 免・給付など  後期高齢者医療 年金に関すること  さくらカード申請  介護保険 高齢者福祉に関すること おでかけパス券など障害者福祉 保護申請・相談  乳幼児医療費助成 ひとり親家庭医 療費等の申請  ごみや施設使用に関すること  など 「区役所」に設置される課  総務企画課(防災・広報など)  まちづくり推進課(ゴミ・土木)  区民課(戸籍・国保・年金など)  福祉課(高齢者・介護・障害者福祉等)  保護課 (生活保護)  保健子育て課(乳幼児健診・保育) 税務課  産業振興課 (農業関係) Suppose you are moving from one district to another. In that case,  it is recommended to go to the City Office(区役所) because it involves " address changes,"  issues related to National Health Insurance ,  pension,  and so on. And you will actually get another card for  National Health Insurance . (国民健康保険の保険証再発行) Going to the City Office can solve all the problems, and you don't need

より vs. による/により/によって vs. によれば/によると

From my point of view, より is a rather complex word. You will make mistakes if you don't sort them out in the learning process. より: による・により・によって: によれば・によると: The most critical Grammer I want to mention is 「人によって+Passive verb」 . 〇〇によって建てられた。It was built by 〇〇. 〇〇によって作らっれた。It was made by 〇〇. In fact, it is often used to refer to specific characters in the design and creation of works and buildings. It is mainly used to refer to the creators of some works or the initiators of some GREAT achievements. I have written it into the blog mentioned above. You can check this through the second link . Example Sentence: ノイシュヴァンシュタイン城は、ルートヴィヒ2世 によって 建てられた。The castle was built by Ludwig II. If I cut out the red marked part in the sentence and asked

Matters related to the change of address after moving in Japan. | 引越し後の住所変更が必要な事項

What you must modify(変更しなければならないもの) 在留カード 国民健康保険証 この2つのものは、あなたが在留カードの住所変更を行ったときに、一緒に処理されます。 These two things will be handled together when you go to change your 在留カード's address. When you change the address of 在留カード, your 国民健康保険証 should be recycled at the same time. The new 国民健康保険証 will be mailed to your new address in a few days. The address of your bank card.  *(maybe ゆうちょ銀行キャッシュカード or 三菱UFJ銀行〇〇カード, and so on.) The bank card you applied for in Japan must change its address. If you already use the ゆうちょ銀行キャッシュカード, you can modify it on the app.( ゆうちょ通帳  and ゆうちょ認証.) What do you need to modify as soon as possible? (できるだけ早く変更するもの) Address of your mobile phone number You must change 契約者住所 and 請求書送付先住所. When these two changes are completed, a letter will be sent to your new residence to remind you of the changes. Then your apps In Japan, address is an essential thing. It is used for the registration of many apps. And most chain stores must have their own apps. After you move, you need to

Differences you may not know: いえいえ vs. いやいや

Let's say the conclusion first: いえいえ:Be modest, accept or agree with what others say. いやいや:Be polite and politely deny what the other person said. Why should I write this article? It is very short, but I must write it because it is crucial. I came to Japan 4 months later and found that いやいや originally means no; that is, if you use too much いやいや, it will bring bad feelings to others . The Japanese may think, why do you permanently deny me? Excessive modesty is not a good thing. Sometimes it is better to accept others' praise. However, if he or she praises you for your good Japanese, it may not be accurate, so there is no problem using いやいや here. But if you do something worthy of thanks for others, you'd better use いえいえ when others want to thank you.