
Showing posts from December, 2022

How to work in Family Mart? (E. 廃棄時間)

How long should the hot food next to the cash register be discarded. ファミチキ骨なし 6h スパイシーチキン 6h プレミアムチキン(骨付き) 6h えび入りグラタンコロッケ 6h ファミコロ 8h ハッシュドポテト 4h 鶏つくね 6h アメリカンドッグ 6h ジャンボフランク 6h(未確認) 厚切りハムカツ 8h(未確認) 直火焼(じかびやき)ローストチキンレッグ(骨付き) 8h 炭火焼鳥ももタレ 8h 炭火焼鳥ももしお 8h 常温惣菜 8h (全部) 饅頭 8h~10h (下の部分は8時間、上の部分は10時間) The time when bento, sushi, and sandwiches need to be discarded. If you start work in the evening, most of these foods will be written with the date and specific time of the day, such as - 24 (18). 24 is the 24th of this month, while 18 means 18 o'clock. This means you must remove the food from the shelves before 18:00 today.

How to work in Family Mart? (D. QUO Card)

What is QUO Card? This is a disposable paper card. It has a balance in yen. In fact, it is like a gift card, but it is equivalent to Japanese yen cash, which can be consumed in convenience stores. But it cannot be used repeatedly. When the money inside is used up, this paper card is garbage and can be discarded. What should you do when customers use QUO to pay? Press the "支払選択" button. 1. Press the "支払選択" button. Payment selection interface(支払選択) 2. Touch the QUO button. Please insert the QUO card. 3. Insert the card into the card reader. (Usually, there is only one in a store, you may need to go to another cash register to insert a card) 4. Touch the 確定 button. 5. Take out the card that has been read. (At this point, the payment has been completed, and the balance on the card has been consumed and cannot be returned) 6. The following steps are the same as the standard cashier steps. Note: If the balance of the QUO card has been used up, ask the customer if he wants

How to work in Family Mart? (C. 宅配便のお手伝い)

Simplified version: 1. Scan the code first and measure the size. 2. Select the size and enter the zip code. 3. Determine the date. 4. Determine how much it will cost. 5. Write the date and price on the special paper for express delivery. 6. The first one is given to the guest, the second one is kept by the store, and the third one to the N one is directly pasted on the express. 7. Put the express in the office. Detailed version: Yes, it can be more exact, but it will take time. *(I will add this  content at some time in the future.) And actually, you don't need to learn it here. You should have someone in Family Mart who will teach you how to do it. All operations are based on your understanding of Japanese.

What is Resident Tax?(住民税) Detailed explanation of Japanese resident tax.

What is Resident Tax? (住民税とは) Resident tax is the tax that you must pay as a worker in Japan. (As long as you have income in Japan, you must pay it.) Several very important issues related to resident tax. (住民税) First, most importantly, the resident tax is calculated based on your income in the previous yea r and paid this year . In other words, if you come to Japan as a foreigner this year, you will not receive a bill. (Because you didn't get any income here last year.) But after you work in Japan, you will be taxed. The resident tax can be collected from you in two ways: one is directly deducted from your salary. You may get a tax bill in June if this doesn't happen. See this page for more details: 外国人の方の個人住民税について - But there will be a complex issue: The situation will change if you come to Japan as an international student. International students can be tax-free, but it d

How to work in Family Mart? (B. 宅配便を渡す)

Here I am telling you how to transfer the package that has already been received in the store to the customer . Regardless of the courier, whether it's Yamato, Amazon, Mercari, or even Uniqlo, the method is the same. The customer usually gives you a small receipt to scan the barcode on top, and then the cash register machine should spit out a small receipt with the item number on it.  You find the corresponding item according to the number.  After finding the corresponding item,  scan the bar code in the middle ,  tear off the sticker in the middle ,  have the customer sign it,  and bring it back to the store.  Then the package can be given to the customer. However, don't forget the receipt. Generally, when you scan the barcode in the middle of the package, the cash register machine should spit out a small receipt that should be given to the customer. The specific location depends on how the store manager arranges it. Put the paper signed by the customer in the yellow folder

How to work in Family Mart? (A. 途中集金)

This is the first essential thing you need to learn. When there are many 10,000 yen bills in the cash register machine, the machine will continuously ring and remind you to do this - "途中集金." This means you must take the 10,000 yen bills out of the cash register machine and place them in the designated location. It is usually a metal box that can only be opened by the store manager. Your job is to put the money into a transparent envelope and put it into the box, like putting it into a mailbox. But before you put the money in this metal box, you must first record on the cash register machine how many 10,000 yuan bills you have put in. Keyboard Step 1, click the flashing "途中集金." button.  Step 2, enter the amount and press the "登録/リピート" button. Step 3, press the "会計締め" button, and there will be two receipts. Step 4, both receipts must be signed with your name. Step 5, take the money out of the cash register machine into a transparent envelope. Take

What is the difference between City gas and LP gas? What you must know before you rent and buy a house in Japan!

Before renting or buying a house in Japan, it is necessary to understand the types of gas in Japan. This article will explain the two main gas/gas systems used for cooking and hot water supply in Japan - city gas and LP gas, and the main differences between them.  The gas/gas system in Japan is generally divided into "city gas (in Japanese, "都市ガス." Composition is methane, usually natural gas pipeline gas)" and "LP gas (in Japanese, "LPガス" or "プロパンガス." Composition is liquefied petroleum gas, usually barrel gas)." The main difference is in "the raw material composition of the gas, the method of gas supply, the calorific value of the gas, the applicable stove, and the charge. What is City gas? The raw material composition of city gas is a gaseous fossil fuel composed of methane. The method of supplying city gas is to provide gas to every household through pipelines buried under the road. Due to the cost of setting up, this type of inf

How to work in Family Mart? (2. Menu)|ファミリーマートでアルバイトをするには?(その2 - メーニュー)

Pre:  How to work in Family Mart? (1. Important words)|ファミリーマートでアルバイトをするには?(その1 - 重要な言葉) To work in Family Mart, you must remember the menu first. ホッターズ(Hot snacks) Hot snacks (page 1) ファミチキ骨なし(ほねなし) スパイシーチキン ジャンボフランク 鶏つくね串(とりつくねぐし) アメリカンドッグ クリスピーハバネ クリスピープレー ヤンニョムチキン 新ファミコロ ハッシュドポテト Hot snacks (page 2) ポテサラハムカツ ナゲットのりしお 厚切りハムカツ(あつ ぎ り) 常温惣菜(Room temperature food) Room temperature food 焼鳥ももタレ(やきとり) 焼鳥もも塩(しお) 焼鳥かわタレ 焼鳥かわ塩 焼鳥つくね中華(ちゅうか) 照焼チキンステーキ(てりやき) ファミから醤油(しょうゆ) ファミから塩 焼鳥つくね味噌(みぞ) コーヒー&スープ(Coffee&Soup) Coffee&Soup (Page 1) ブレンドS ブレンドM カフェラテM ブレンドL カフェラテL アイスコーヒーS アイスコーヒーM アイスラテM アイスコーヒーL アイスラテL Coffee&Soup (Page 2) ホットミルク モカブレンド カフェフラッペ ストロベリーF マロンフラッペ キャラメルりんご 中華まん(Steamed stuffed bun) Steamed stuffed bun 本格肉まん(ほんかく) 濃厚ビザまん(のうこう) チーズカレーまん こしあんまん 極旨 黒豚まん(ごくうまくろぶた) すたみなまん つけ麺風肉まん(つけめんふうにくまん) おでん(Oden) Oden (Page 1) 厚切大根(あつぎりだいこん) 味付たまご(あじつけ) 結び白滝(むすびしらたき) 三角こんにゃく(さんかく) 厚揚(あつあげ) 焼きちくわ(やき) ごぼう巻(牛蒡まき) ウインナー巻(まき) 野菜さつま揚げ(あげ) はんぺん Oden (Page 2) つゆだくがんもどき だし巻玉子(だしまきたまご) あらびきウインナ