How to work in Family Mart? (4. Details)|ファミリーマートでアルバイトをするには?(その4 - 詳細)

Pre: How to work in Family Mart? (3. Operation of cash register)|ファミリーマートでアルバイトをするには?(その3 - レジの操作)

You can ignore the following details, but generally, this is common sense.

Before these seven details

Before these seven details, there is another very important thing: counting money. 

Please review the expressions of Japanese numbers. To be honest, I know you know them, and you can also say them, but you can't react so quickly. 

Many people have reached the advanced level, but the numbers are still not used very much, so it takes time to recognize.

7 Details

First, you must hand it with your right hand. Your right hand must hold the money while your left hand hold it. (At this time, the left hand is holding the receipt) Speak and, at the same time, make a voice:



Second, as for plastic bags, one is a plastic bag for Heated bento, which is light brown. As for the size of the plastic bag to be given to the customer, basically, since the customer has asked for the bag, it doesn't matter if the size is larger.

Third, iced coffee is a transparent plastic cup with ice brought by the customer. You don't need to bring a new cup to the customer; If customers buy cigarettes in a package of 10 boxes, one lighter is free.

Fourth, when taking the money handed by the guest, you should say「〇〇円おあずかりいたします」; if it's just right and does not need changes, say「〇〇〇〇円ちょうおあずかりいたします」

The purpose of saying the amount of money is to let you and the guests confirm the amount of money. If you don't say it, it's no problem, but it is easy to make mistakes.

Fifthly, as for the way to change money, first of all, open the palm of your left hand, then use your right hand to draw the money out of the レジ with your right index finger, and then these coins should be stacked just enough for the guests to confirm with themselves. Then, stack the coins and use your right thumb and right index finger to hold them upright.

Sixth, sight. To be honest, this is my personal problem. The guidance given by the store manager is that you must look into the eyes of the guests. Sometimes you need eye contact, which will be faster. But if you don't use eye contact all the time, the efficiency will be very low.

Seventh, the most important thing to remember is the size of the drink and the corresponding cup.


[1] How to work in Family Mart? (B. 宅配便を渡す)

[2] How to work in Family Mart? (C. 宅配便のお手伝い)


How to work in Family Mart? (F. メルカリ)


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